This is a game born of a joke... for better or worse
Use Arrow Keys and <z>/<x> to play, <z> flaps, <x> dives! 
Choose your parrot using Arrow Keys. 

The 'AI' is literally just random right now. Random switch direction and random flapping.

Todo :

  • 2 player
  • Better AI
  • My own music
  • More of my own tiles


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Very cool, I missed this game years ago when I was looking for a joust clone on Pico-8.

Any chance you would upload the p8.png or put it on the BBS?

Hey! Sorry I missed the comment for so long. The p8.png is actually one of the images already on the page. 

I downloaded it to make sure and it is throwing an error in the current version of pico-8 though. I'll have to fix that and then I'll consider getting it on the BBS.

Ah, it's the way the function is modifying the x with a local variant.
Change the broken lines in create_bird to:

local x=x*8
local y=y*8